Wednesday 8 August 2018

The Story of King Minos - By Jayden

The Story of King Minos - By Jayden

King Minos was the King of Crete. One day King Minos said to Poseidon (god of sea) if you let my people get home safe I will sacrifice my best bull. The next day the people got home safe and he sacrificed his worst bull. Poseidon was mad, very mad. Later King Minos wife had a baby it had a man's body and a bull's head, it had a habit of eating people it was called the Minotaur.

King Minos asked Daedalus to make a  maze a maze so complicated no one could get out of it  The King put the Minotaur in it now it was a  new death-trap, when people came they get   eaten alive. Daedalus was not happy for it to be used that way. He wanted to leave the island with his son they were going to fly away no one had flown away before.

They collected feathers Daedalus said to his son “don't fly too high but don't fly low” they found a eagle they took its feathers then he said we have enough feathers son. When everyone was asleep they strapped the wings on when they flew off. However, Icarus soon forgot what dad said and flew so high. Then it was too late and the sun malted the beeswax and Icarus drowned. Daedalus was alone when he got to the island he gave the sun god  his wings as a gift.

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