Tuesday 28 May 2019


Image result for banksy
i think that the balloon is her hart and that she hast to let it go and i think it means you haft to let your love go sometimes


the fasteners don't work well soo don't get them  

hmmmm yup drive-thru

always open ummmm closed  

I am David Description

I am David Description In my imagination David has brown hair with blond streaks with frightened blue eyes and scars and teres in his clothes he is wearing blue chinos and a yellow t-shirt and also has scars on his body. He is as tall as a normal kid but he is a little skinny because he doesn't get enough food he is worn out because he hast to work all day with pail white skin and is always tired . I think that he hast to move big rocks, coal or logs and other stuff. By Jayden

The United Nations

The United Nations is a huge organisation that helps get world peace. There is nearly 193 staces is the UN and most nations are members of the UN. The UN also cares about kids and thares a dock that is called the convention of the Rights of the Child cool aey and if you wanna no what it is about it mean the kids have rights and those rights are thay get to go to school and like that they can play, eat healthy, play soccer and sports like that so it is a good nation. They help sick people and if a cotery has a earthquake and any natural disaster thay will help and they have un soldiers so they can help countries fight back. There's a thing about World Health Organization it’s apart of UN and it’s like a thing that in sines there's a threat to the overall health which they help fixing and i think that is a good idea and that’s all folks thanks for tuning in. By Jd.

How to turn a ball of clay into a pottery tile artwork.

How to turn a ball of clay into a pottery tile artwork.

Step 1. Pres the clay down with your finger.

Step 2. Role the clay down with a rolling pin and put on the table two wood longs sabs on each side .     

Step 3. Cut a square out of the slab.

Step 4. Make pattern or cool letters or designs.

Step 5. Make edges so the glass that you put is the slad doesn't fall out.

Step 6. When Making pattern and stuff like that make sure you have a fork and water and put some water on the fourk and skratch where you want the stuff and also skratch the stuff.

The sea turtles life cycle

The miraculous sea turtles have lived for centuries and centuries and they have got thrue big Challenges and this is there life cycle. First the mother lays 1000 eggs in a divivit in the sand and bereyes them and then she sets of. The 1000 eggs that were lad but the olney 800 hatch and then the baby sea turtles start to go for the water and oley 400 get to the water then they find a bit of folsom. About 200 progress towards adulthood and then after adulthood they get to breeding age and olney 20 survived and that is without human interference but with human interference olney 2 survive. Look after the sea turtles that means no plastic no oil or spillages in the water and be very careful. the end. By Jayden and Zenith

how to play all in tag

how to play all in tag 1. you will need 1 court and about 19 or more people and hands 2. now to play. it's like tag but everyone is in 3. When you get down. When you get tagged you sit down and when the people that got you get down you stand up 4. When two people tag each other at once. When you tag someone else at the same time they tag you you play paper scissors rock and the person that wins gets to go the other person sits down


my tile


Gollop - By Jayden
Gollop wriggles like a squirrel climbing a tree.
Gollop is a person that talks a lot.
He is a big wobbly jelly and his head is round.
Big wide eyes that are purple and blue.
His breath it smells like both banana and fish.
He touched me and it felt like a sweaty runner that’s run the world.hy
And he voice is joyful and squeaky and he says nearly everything but mostly ‘I am the bomb.’
He is carrying a speaking dinosaur.

He's a world of speech!.