Tuesday 28 May 2019

The sea turtles life cycle

The miraculous sea turtles have lived for centuries and centuries and they have got thrue big Challenges and this is there life cycle. First the mother lays 1000 eggs in a divivit in the sand and bereyes them and then she sets of. The 1000 eggs that were lad but the olney 800 hatch and then the baby sea turtles start to go for the water and oley 400 get to the water then they find a bit of folsom. About 200 progress towards adulthood and then after adulthood they get to breeding age and olney 20 survived and that is without human interference but with human interference olney 2 survive. Look after the sea turtles that means no plastic no oil or spillages in the water and be very careful. the end. By Jayden and Zenith

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